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Mugwort Herbal Tea

There’s no escaping the fact that the moment girls have their first period, their monthly cycle becomes a minefield from avoiding unwanted pregnancies to painful cramping (dysmenorrhea).  Dysmenorrhea is often as a result of light (amenorrhea) periods. Very few women go through their childbearing years without experiencing some unwanted symptoms with their monthly cycle.  If you suffer with painful cramping you’ll know just how difficult it can be to continue with daily life from cancelled plans or days off work.

Whilst light periods may not be anything to worry about they can be an indicator of health concerns such as too much stress, over dieting or exercising but there are herbs that can help to encourage blood flow whilst reducing cramping and spasms.

Mugwort has emmenagogue, uterine, diuretic and nervine properties making it an excellent heb for women.  It can help regulate menstrual cycles and stimulate blood flow, this along with Mugworts uterine properties which help the uterine muscles to function properly easing the contractions which occur as the womb lining is shed during menstruation which reduces cramping and pain.  While it’s nervine properties can help calm nerves and ease stress.  

Many women also struggle with bloating from water retention during their periods which can increase the discomfort from painful periods,  Mugwort’s diuretic properties can help to increase urine flow reducing bloating and discomfort.

Like Mugwort, Southernwood is also an emmenagogue, uterine tonic and nervines making this herbal tea an excellent aid for women who struggle with difficult, painful and light periods.


60g (4 tablespoons) -  Mugwort Leaves (Artemisia Vulgaris)

60g (4 tablespoons) - Southernwood Herb (Artemisia Abrotanum)


  • Mix the herbs together.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of the mixed herbs to 1 pint of boiling water.

  • Leave to steep for 20 minutes.

  • Strain the liquid, add honey to sweeten.

  • Allow to cool.

  • Bottle and store in a cool place.


  • Take 4 tablespoons 3 - 4 times per day.


Although most herbs are generally considered safe to use there is the slight possibility of allergic reactions or adverse reactions when used with other medication although this is rare.

Neither Mugwort or Southernwood should be used if pregnant as they can lead to miscarrige due to their emmenagogue and uterine properties and are also not advised to use if breastfeeding.

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